Hi I am suffering from shingles, I got this one day ago, very painful. This is first time in my life. I got chicken pox in my childhood. What kind of soothing cream good for shingles? How often I can take showe? What kind of food I can eat? How long it will be take for recover. Very painful, I can’t sleep. Please reply my questions doctor.
Thank you

shingles usually takes 2-4 weeks to heal depending upon your immunity status.
local soothing anti histaminic steroid based creams will provide soothing effect.
take bland diet with plenty of water and fruit juices.
vitamin C and E supplements will help.
its better to avoid taking shower in early stages.
after a week,you can take daily showers depending upon the level of improvement.
You can apply apple cider vinegar, drink green tea , Hydrocortisone creams.
If you take antiviral drug you can heal in 3 weeks .
You can take cold showers .
Anti inflammatory and anti histamine can help you sleep.
Good Luck
You can try to apply cornstarch or baking soda to help dry the sores so that they heal more quickly. Soak crusted sores with tap water or Burow’s solution to help clean away crusts, decrease oozing, and dry and soothe the skin. Take a cool bath or shower to soothe skin. The coolness of the water can ease pain from shingles blisters and calm itchiness. You can also take a healing bath to reduce symptoms. Pour 1 to 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal or cornstarch into lukewarm bathwater and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use hot water.… Read more »
So sorry to hear about your problem..
As of now you can take painkillers like Ibuprofen or Naproxen for pain relief..
But it will not be enough, you will have to consult a Physician and get evaluated so that he can advise you antiviral medication like Acyclovir oral as well as topically..
Along with it topical application of numbing agents like Lidocaine gel or patches can be applied for pain relief..
Along with it tricyclic antidepressants like Amitriptyline can be advised..
Hope this helps..
Taking a cool bath or using cool, wet compresses on your blisters may help relieve the itching and pain. And, if possible, try to reduce the amount of stress in your life.