I am 2 years post micro discectomy which cured sciatic and lumber pain, my is life slowing up?

I am 2 years post micro discectomy which cured sciatic and lumber pain 3 mths ago I began having 7/10 pain in same area as op.
I am on lithium so no anti in flames. I can feel my life slowing up and I have two teenage boys one with disability,should I be asking for an artificial dictionary or at least an mri ct showed nothing

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Ayman Darrag
10:29 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
This is mostly due to adhesions that has been formed at the surgical site..pressing the nerve root canal again…
Get physiotherapy in form of heating and ultra sound therapy on the site of surgery and stretching..osteopathy can help u also

4:01 pm

this is a failed back syndrome. happens in 30 % post operative cases. take physiotherapy in form of traction,laser therapy. get another mri done