I am a 20 male Been diagnosed with depression and anxiety
Originally prescribed 10mg citalopram and 10mg propranolol
Doctor now changed my prescription to sertraline 50mg and propranolol 80mg extended release
I went back to say these arnt effective and now he has changed my script to sertraline 100mg but these are helping slightly however I still think I’m on the wrong medication as I feel I have bipolar –
I get really depressed which the antidepressant have heped with big style, however I get periods of highs where I get dizzy feel on edge feel sweaty I usually just eat something and wait for it too pass but it can last hours, I feel I could have bipolar and am taking the wrong Meds could I be right?

You are on the right meds except for the propranolol dose which may need to be readjusted, you are experiencing side effects of propranolol mainly , also the medication choice is not typical to anxiety patients (unless you get lots of panic attacks then your doctor made the right choice)
Good Luck
U have done thyroid profile?+
Medical therapy is not going to be useful alone
Are u taking any psychological therapy ??
Can I describe your symptoms more in order to help you
Sertraline is appropriate for anxiety and depression however Propranolol might be eeded to be titrated..
If you doubt bipolar, then first of all you need to get it evaluated by a Neurophysician or a Psychologist and then only medication can be changed accordingly..
Hope this helps..