I am planning for an hGH treatment with the goal to repair the various healthy tissue, and build up the appearance of the skin?

Dear Doctors,

I am planning to do a Full Health Checkup including detailed Cancer Screening.

Reason: I am planning for an hGH treatment with the goal to repair the various healthy tissue, and build up the appearance of the skin. In short, an anti-ageing treatment.

Therefore, I need to be checked for any potential side effects, like the risk of heart disease/diabetes or the growth of cancerous tumours. The goal of my test is this full test and diagnostics.

My question to you, is what should I be looking out for and what kind of diagnosis?

I am 49 years man from Scandinavia, and I have had a stressful work for over 20 years now. I often have diarrhoea — perhaps I did eat something when I lived Latin America several years ago.

I have always felt for something in my belly. To have a light pain, but a feeling like there is something there, close to the location of the left ductus deferens. I also need to check my skin for any potential danger, like skin cancer. It’s in my family.

I have one boy, born in 2000. However, not been able to have another child after that, and we have tried everything.

I also like to test for a potential pituitary gland tumours. But, I like to look into deeper testings like clinical microbiome test for bacteria analysis on gut conditions (test for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diabetes).

I would very much appreciate your insides, views and feedback on what I should do. Thank you!

Age: 49
Medications: None

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
8:24 pm

Human growth hormone (HGH) treatments have been used in the sports field (somewhat illegally), in clinical hgh deficiency cases and now main stream in the anti aging field – but few solid studies have been done to evaluate consequences and results – so this is really a new untested and relatively unknown area. First I would recommend to make sure that your injections are of the outmost quality and purity. Second, known side effects of treatments include higher chances of diabetes, heart problems, liver problems, tumors, nerve problems. So if you really, really want to make extra sure – get… Read more »