I got food stuck in my esophagus and spent several hours in severe pain?

I got food stuck in my esophagus and spent several hours in severe pain. I’ve had nothing but liquids since . It’s still slightly painful when I swallow. Can I now try solid food again. This happened Saturday evening . It’s more of a soreness now, but I’m afraid to eat. I had applesauce yesterday and liquids .

Age: 75
Medications: Prozac, musinex, brovana and bunesonide via nebulizer 2xday, Advil, famotodine.

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
9:51 am

Normally this is caused by trying to swallow a chunk of food that is too big, too fast. Try eating a very small piece of food. Chew it very well. Eat slowly. Give it time. Keep a soft drink nearby – “Coke” in case you have a problem swallowing – it can help should you have a problem swallowing. Any problem with breathing with stuck food is a medical emergency. Should the problem occur again, it may be due to a problem with your esophagus and you should consult.

Dr.Honey Arora
11:06 am

If this problem has happened for the first time and has not previously happened tgen it is probably eating something without proper chewing and in a large bolus.

Sometimes eating something sharp can also lacerate your Oesophagus or foodpipe.

If there is just sorenessleft then you need not to worry as it is healing.

You can eat semi solid foods and avoid very spicy, hot and sharp eatables.

Drink plenty of water and other fluids and cool fluids preferably as it helps in reducing inflammation..

Hope this helps..
