I have a pseudo Jones fracture on the 5th metatarsal that was obtained 10/3/17. I have a physically demanding job and they won’t allow me to return unless I have a note from the doctor saying that I can return with absolutely no restrictions. In your opinion. When would I be able to return to work?
Age: 33
Medications: None

You can go back to work now, try wearing compression socks for next 2 weeks to be safe
Good Luck
BTW you could check your renal function, parathyroid gland (calcium/ phosphorus levels) thyroid gland and take calcium + sun exposure for next 6 month
My opinion is you can go back to work just try using silicone support for the metatarsals insole ..
In case of Pseudo jones fracture, initially rest is indicated so that the healing occurs faster..
If not rest atleast any kind of heavy or weight bearing work is not indicated..
So my suggestion is that you should consult your Physician and get evaluated so that he can do a clinical examination and if everything is fine you can be advised to go to work..
However certain precautions like stiff soled shoe or protective shoe can help..
Hope this helps..