Over five weeks ago I had unprotected sex. Tested negative recently for pregnancy. So, does that mean I’m not pregnant? I’ve tested multiple times with different brands and they are all negative. Shouldn’t it show up by now? I just would like to know to put myself at ease. I have an irregular period so I can’t go off that.

Medications: Portia
Hi,Five weeks are enough to know if you are pregnant or not, however the most accurate is getting bhcg blood test, but if all the home tests came negative till now,then there is no pregnancy.
Well, it is most likely that you are not pregnant as it is already 5 weeks..
If you are still doubtfull get a beta-HCG done for confirmation..
But it is still likely that you will get negative result as you already take Portia that is a contraceptive..
Hope this information helps..
You are not pregnant
Good Luck