I am a 76 year old male who had a by-pass in 2012, has hypertension and heart disease?

I am a 76 year old male who had a by-pass in 2012, has hypertension and heart disease. My cardiologist has cleared me to have sex, but I am experiencing ED. I want to add L Arginine and Pycnogenol to my list of vitamins because I read that they may be helpful in combating ED. Is there a problem with also using Cialis or Viagra?

Age: 76
Medications: Amlodipine 5mg, Losartan Potassium, 100mg, clopidogrel 75mg daily, Rasuvastatin Calcium, 20mg, Clonidine hcl 0.3 3 times daily, .81 aspirin.

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Ahmed Fawzy
12:12 am

As for L Arginine and Pycnogenol you can take them as tablets by mouth, do not take them as injections .
As for Cialis or Viagra do NOT take them as they are originally heart medication, unless you are cleared to use them by your cardiologist
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
9:32 am

In my opinion ,you should not take cialis or viagra as they are very dangerous for cardiovascular risk patients witha vast variety of contraindications and risks.,
For l arginine it has interaction with clopidogrel so it should be taken with precaution.
It is ok to take pycnogenol as tablets.

Dr.Honey Arora
9:42 am

L-Arginine and Pycnogenol can be added as they are helpful in heart related problems..
But Viagra should bot be taken without the consent of your Cardiologist as it can cause certain side effects that can be harmful..
