I am suffering from anxiety and depression. And I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. What are the best anti-depression medications to cure me?
Age: 44
Medications: NA
I am suffering from anxiety and depression. And I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. What are the best anti-depression medications to cure me?
Age: 44
Medications: NA
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Antidepressants don’t cure depression, they only help relief the symptoms of depression. When deciding the antidepressant to use, your doctor will prescribe a particular type of antidepressant or a combination of antidepressants that will best deal with the main symptoms that are causing you the biggest problems – for example sleeping problems, mood swings, lack of energy etc. Of course, antidepressants don’t always work well. Sometimes different types of medications have to be tried. until one is found that works well for you. Also to consider is using an antidepressant that has little side effects. Medication may include Selective serotonin… Read more »