I recently had my first pelvic exam they told me I have Cervicitis And Bv. Does this mean that my boyfriend has NGU? If so is it possible that my Cervicitis was caused by NGU. I recently was tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea and trich and syphilis and HIV all came back negative. Do I need to get tested for other std s that I’m not aware of?

Hsv and other microorganisms can cause cervicitis too, if you have used a condom then it could also be latex allergy that you could have.
You should get a vaginal fluid culture done along with microscopic examination for ruling out the exact nature of organisms involved in infection..
Cervicitis can be transmitted due to your partner having nongonococcal urethritis ,
While Bacterial vaginosis is not related to your partner, my opinion is you should get tested for other std s to be safe
Good Luck