Hi i am a mother of two both preterm deliveries..my son was 8 months born viginal delivery…my son is 18 months old…i got pregnant with twin girls they both were born via emergency c section after my water broke…my one daughter died other was in hospital for 3 months she got released on nov 2016…from release date she is now 3 months old..and im pregnant again 3 to 4 weeks max im weak o cant carry this pregnancy what should i do…

u should consult ur nearby gynecologist and get a opinion about this.
In my opinion,it is too early for you to carry out the pregnancy so soon after the previous child.
Minimum 2 years is the period that should be kept between any 2 pregnancies.
This really depends of the cause of the last 2 premature labors .whether you have had health conditions, such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or infections,smoking during pregnancy or other drugs intake??!
It usually occurs with twins but you should know the cause first..
Are you under weight ?
I am expecting your reply for following up..
You can take supplements to get stronger or you can have an abortion if you do not want this baby now, you should decide quick before you get weaker
Good Luck