Is there a treatment for hyperglycemia?

24, Female, is there a treatment for hyperglycemia. I’ve seen two different doctors they tell me i have it but nothing about treatment besides change my diet and send me out the door. is there a way to treat this issue? i have done research that says it is borderline appetites.

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Ayman Darrag
10:28 pm

Hi and welcome to question
In case of hyperglycemia only diet and exercises are enough to control it….losing extra weight itself is a treatment as when your body loses fats decreases the resistance to insulin so hyperglycemia fades away.
Eat 5daily meals and brisk walk daily 45minutes..

Nouran Maamdouh
7:19 am

No treatment other than diet and exercises.
Weight reduction .
Relaxation technique if you are nervous.
Chromium supplement is proved to help.

Ahmed Fawzy
11:58 am

Have u considered the possibility that you are under alot of stress which is causing your condition
Try stress relief and consult a psychiatric doctor