I suffer from swelling in the center of my lumbar spine above my buttocks, back ache, and spine pressure?

20 female. Swelling in the center of my lumbar spine above my buttocks. It is accompanied with back ache around the area or as you could say the part where your spine curves inwards. It feels like someone is putting pressure on my spine and it’s going to snap. I also sometimes get the ache at the top of my spine just below my neck and a trapped nerve in between my shoulder blades.

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Ayman Darrag
9:48 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
This probably a back myositis or muscle strain..
Try cold packs then hot packs.
Rest and ultra sound..
Massage ..will help
If nothing helped after all then get a MRI done..

Ahmed Fawzy
12:02 pm

U should take an anti infalmatory 50mg of alphinturn or cataflame 3 times a day
Also try standing on your heels while leaning forward for 1 min
Your pain should fade away and condition should be relifed within 3 days