This incident happened approximately 7 months ago – I had sex with a woman who had a bad reputation for sleeping around a lot. I used a condom however the condom broke midway and didn’t realize it until we were done with having sex. When i saw the condom broke i freaked out. I took a bottle ofScotch/whiskey (like an idiot) and washed my penis with it hoping that i wouldn’t catch any diseases. 2 days later my penis was feeling different and got a rash. (either from her or the whisky)
I went to the doctor around a week later and i got tested for most common STDs – All came back negative. The doctor said i have balanitis and he gave me some anti-fungal cream and i did that for a few months and not much of a difference happened, after several months with no change i was prescribed a stronger anti-fungal cream and still no change. After no change, i used a steroid cream (Hydrocortisone 1%) still there is no change.
My penis used to be so smooth and pink in color, now the infected area has lost its color and not smooth anymore. I keep it clean all the time, shower everyday washing the penis with warm water even after i urinate.
It does not pain, i never had any pain. I did have inflammation on the forskin initially but that is gone. My only problem is the Rash. I have tried multiple products, yet nothing seems to work. The redness tends to get darker at times but the rash is still quite visible.
Maybe my doctor made a mistake, is this even balanitis? Will this ever go away ? I have been depressed, i cannot do anything except masterbate. 7 months without sex, i have lost the motivation to go to the gym. I have wasted so much money on various products.
Age: 25
Medications: N/A
Hello. A rash on penis can be caused by a number of problems. It may very well be Balanitis but the right treatment is not being used. An antibiotic maybe needed instead of an antifungal. After 7 months you need to solve this problem. Tests that can help identify problem are for STDs:
HIV, Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), TPI, FTA/ABS…. for Diabetes: BS F/PP. … Other Tests: Urinalysis and culture. And CBC (Complete Blood Count). Also test discharge if there is one. Regards
Hi. As the rash started just after 2 days then it is less likely to be due to STD as there is a lag phase of a few days minimum of which is 2 days for the exposure of infection to appearance of symptoms. The rash can be due to irritation, allergic reaction, fungal infection etc.. So my suggestion is to once get a urethral swab culture,routine urine microscopy, urine culture, blood culture and blood sugar analysis done.. If there is still a doubt you can also get re-tested for STD but still there us very chance of STD. You… Read more »
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At this stage it looks more like due to inflammation caused by irritation or allergic reaction. Wash penis max once per day use an extra mild or hypoallergenic soap, if symptoms persists consult your doctor.
I too believe it to be a irritation or allergic reaction – Should it be well moisturized or should it be kept dry at all times ?