My 10yr old son has patches on his back and stomach. It may be ring worms?

My 10yr old son has patches on his back and stomach. It may be ring worms, not sure. He has had ring worm before on his leg that looked similar. The patches are dry and sometimes it itches. His barber noticed 2 patches after he gave him a hair cut. What do you think? Attaching a photo


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Ayman Darrag
6:57 am

Hi and welcome to
It is likely tinea corporis fungal infection…
Using over the counter antifungal creams can help..

Ahmed Fawzy
10:36 am

Tinea Versicolor
Fungisafe cream
Twice a day
Flucoral capsule 150mg
2 capsules once every week for 2 weeks

Ahmed Fawzy
10:37 am

Also multivitamins
Check your dog if u have one