I have been to several doctors about my skin rash and nothing has worked to resolve it?

I need an opinion I have been to several doctors about my skin rash and nothing has worked to resolve it. I’ve tried Benadryl steroids antibiotics. Creams. Peroxide . It stings. I’m so miserable . It’s getting worse . The emergency room doctor said it wasnt contagious but I am so distraught may I please get your opinion I have went to doctors in Missouri and Utah . I just want advice. I am a 25 yr old female


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Ayman Darrag
4:53 pm

And welcome to question doctors.com rash seems to be caused by allergic reaction so you need to avoid the cause of the allergy which may be found in many detergents soaps or even some types of clothes..find the causing agent and avoid it it doesn’t really matter how many steroids are antibiotics you take and in this case you may need to get a steroid injection

Ahmed Fawzy
9:38 am

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