dear doctor,
me and my girl friend are blood relations, she is my grand mother’s younger brother’s daughter’s daughter. we in love now and the problem is our parents said that blood relations marriage is a big risk for us because it’s having many side effects for our children. kindly we are requesting a answer from you, any blood check or a suitable thing for it.

Your chances of having a baby with birth defect is 4% if your not related, with the current relationship it rise to only 5% , if you have a birth defect running in the family the chance rise to 8%
Which means in worst case scenario your chance of having a normal baby is 92% , if you leave each other to marry non family members you have 96% chance of having a normal baby
Get married , good Luck
I do not see a problem to fear as the possibility is very low to have a birth defect child, however you can take regular tests regularly performed to screen some common diseases , including Down Syndrome, Thalassemia.. and any other diseases of dominant genes in your family history..
Yes there is a risk in blood relations but only if you run any genetic diseases or its risk..
So getting tested can help you to reach the conclusion..