Seeking Gyn/Oncology advice for following scenario: Never had abnormal pap before. This year at annual check, 1st pap done while on monistat treatment returned (+)AGC; followed by colposcopy,cervical & uterine bx’s all(-); NS Ultrasound(-); repeat pap(-) 6wks after 1st pap. Age 52yrs w/menses still that has been decreasing in freq over past year.Should I now progress to LEEP and/or cold knife?
Age: 52
Medications: allegra
Which treatment would be beneficial to you depends on your clinical situation and lab results. I suggest that if your disease is progressing have a frank discussion with your treating doctor and the pros And cons of each treatment.Take care and keep me posted!
LEEP is a safe and cost effective with less complications compared to cold knife.LEEP with an endocervical excision to reduce residual CIN.Its best that you discuss with your treating doctor.
If you do not wana worry about it again use cold knife
Leep is not permanent
I would go with cold knife
Good Luck