I am a 46 year old male had stroke on right side of brain…now another stroke?

46 year old male had stroke on right side of brain. Since then he is suffering severe headaches. Headaches are always there and is taking oxycodone to control pain. When headaches get bad he starts to sweat and hands are like ice. He has weakness on his left side an has lost the sensation of feeling. His right side is also weak. Has has MRI, MRA, MRV done. MRI showed stroke the MRA and MRV didn’t show anything significant. Has had blood work for West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease both came back negative. Doing another MRI w/wo contract tonight. Dr’s thinking maybe another stroke but not all symptoms correlate with a stroke. Any ideas or comments?


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Dr. Erik Ramonov
Dr. Erik Ramonov
8:45 am

I’m a radiologist. May be an MRI misread. When performing an MRI, the constant motion of the heart creates challenges in obtaining clear images. Best to try synchronizing the imaging with ECG tracing, synchronizing the imaging with breathing, or having patient perform repeated short breath holds during imaging.

Jason Roberge
Jason Roberge
8:53 am

Could be reaction to oxycodone….”The most frequent minor side effects of Oxycontin include gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms of constipation, nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting, and other symptoms including somnolence (sleepiness), dizziness, itching, headache, dry mouth, sweating, and decreases in the ability to feel pain.”

8:53 am

dont think this is another stroke. dont worry. a simple cerebral oedema can cause these symptoms. consult a neurologist