Question: I’m a 28 year old with chronic pain, cognitive changes such as severe memory issues, painful sensitive skin,-everyone is stumped?-very scared.

I’m a 28 year old with chronic pain, cognitive changes such as severe memory issues, painful sensitive skin, I have to use a cane to get around, tremors, sensitivity to light and sound, involuntary movement ,loss of balance and as of recently eye issues which I need glasses now. I’ve had many tests from being tested for Lupus, lime disease, gout, arthritis, xrays, mri, nerve conduction test. all came back ok. The doctors know there is something absolutely wrong. i’ve been athletic and in good shape all my life until 6 years this is my life.
everyone is stumped. Where do I go from here? Not knowing what I should do or have is very scary.

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6:38 am

HI.. I UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN AS YOU ARE VERY YOUNG AND SHOULD NOT BE HAVING SO MANY PROBLEMS FOR SURE. from the symptoms you have mentioned, it definitely seems to be a multi system disease that has affected almost all of your body systems and hormones. majorly, the central nervous system seems to be affected more. even if all the tests are negative, i surely feel there is something remaining that needs to be done to come to a diagnosis. you just cant let it go that way. try changing the doctor , any other neurophysician or an endocrinologist will… Read more »