Suffering from concentration problems, sweating at night, cold hands, feet and headaches?

I have recently experienced dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing. Last tuesday my head was spinning to the point I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. Generally feeling tired. Even after a good nights sleep. Also suffering from concentration problems, sweating at night, cold hands, feet and headaches. Only medication I take is and occasionally vitamin D and B. This situation has disturbed my everyday activities and working and I Would appreciate to get some advice how to solve it. Thank you!

Age: 27
Medications: contraception pills, vitamins D and vitamin B

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8:18 am

Based on your information seems related to hormonal disturbances,thyroid or oestrogen.
Get blood levels checked with detailed thyroid assay. (TSH T4 T3) magnesium and sodium
Anxiety and side effects of contraceptive pills may also be in cause. Consult your gynaecologist for possible contraceptive pills side effects.