I am a diabetic and suffer suffer with pain in both feet with a burning sensation and redness? BP 86/166
Age: 33
Medications: Galvasmet 50/500
I am a diabetic and suffer suffer with pain in both feet with a burning sensation and redness? BP 86/166
Age: 33
Medications: Galvasmet 50/500
I am 29yr old Male, Suffering with hypertension(170/120), hyperkalemia (6.1), diabetes(7.9% Blood Sugar) ,cholesterol, elevated bilirubin and unjaculated bilirubin and with High RBC and Low MCH, MCV Values. My Doctors are saying I m completely fine and just use Medicines for few days. I just want to confirm whether these complications are safe or I m in danger position.Also Having breathing issues while talking
I have diabetes and take medication. Often every day I feel kind of light headed. I also get – at times – a kind of shaky feeling. When that happens I usually head towards the fridge to have some juice and eat some food asap. As soon as I eat or drink I start to feel better. What is wrong? Is this a diabetic reaction? Please advise.
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My daughter blood sugar level is 520. She hadn’t been diagnosed with diabetes, what should I do?
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