Hi, my name is (…), I am 50 years old. I have multiple diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, fybromyalgia, excema, anxiety, depression, gerd, bone density and gastroporiesis. I take meds for everything. My question is about the gastroporiesis, my Dr has done multiple testings and all come out to be I’m constipated. I can be over 7 days without having a bowel movement. I end up taking all the meds the Dr has prescribed. linzess, amitiza, dolcolax, miralax, metamucil, lactulose and stool softeners. Nothing works and when it does i have diarrhea all day and painful. Please help, I don’t know what else to do.
I’m a female, 28 years old, 10 months ago I had a blood tests and the LIPIDS Profile results were (Serum Total Cholesterol = 215, Serum Triglycerides = 62 , HDL = 64, LDL = 138, VLDL = 12), I didn’t take any medicines and my doctor recommended diet and weight loss.
7 months later (3 months ago) I had another blood tests and the LIPIDS Profile results were (Serum Total Cholesterol = 222, Serum Triglycerides = 48, HDL = 83, LDL = 129.4, VLDL = 9.6) and (TSH = 1.72, T3-Free = 3.2, T3-Total =84) and (VITAMIN B12 = 292), The doctor gave me these medicines (DELTAVIT -B12- 1000 MCG, Eltroxin 50, Inegy 10mg/20mg tablets) for a month.
But I noticed that I’m putting on weight even my daily diet/routine didn’t change and I’m exercising 3 times/week, my status is getting worse I’m more tired and I feel full even if I hadn’t a large meal after one hours I feel my stomach is full with food and desire to vomit but never did.
I had a blood tests 4 days ago I was shocked by the results and the LIPIDS Profile results were (Serum Total Cholesterol = 283, Serum Triglycerides = 127, HDL = 75, LDL = 183, VLDL = 25) and (TSH = 1.87, T3-Free = 2.7, T4-Free=1.0) and (VITAMIN B12 = 492).
I’m really confused what can cause my Cholesterol to get that high and make me to put on 10 kilograms in just 3 months? thank you!
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