I have been diagnosed with, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), doctor prescribed Clindamycin and Co-Amoxiclav. I have been suffering from diarrhea. I believe Clindamycin is causing the diarrhea, can I just cease taking Clindamycin?
I have been diagnosed with, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), doctor prescribed Clindamycin and Co-Amoxiclav. I have been suffering from diarrhea. I believe Clindamycin is causing the diarrhea, can I just cease taking Clindamycin?
A year ago I acquired MRSA in my bloodstream whilst in hospital requiring ticoplanin via a PIC line for 4 weeks. After treatment I tested negative for MRSA.
Now I am looking to book a sleeve gastrectomy at a private hospital and want to know if I need to declare this to the surgeon or if I am cured and therefore it does not apply anymore.
• I would like to know if I am duty bound to tell him or not?
• I am worried it could make my surgery more expensive or even be refused as an MRSA risk. Is that possible?
• I have not been told if I carry any greater risk now than before my infection of re-infection, is the MRSA harbored at all?
• I know I am negative in my nose and groin but is my blood affected long term?.
Yesterday I was in contact with a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) patient. He put his hand on my head to pray for me about three minutes or so. He did not touch me anywhere else and I had my gown and gloves on. He was diagnosed with MRSA by nasal swab. Am I infected? How can I get tested to find out if I am? I know the signs and symptoms of MRSA and do not have any, but I’m just afraid I am infected know.
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