Mononucleosis Test shows EBNA antibodies, is it mono or some other infection?

Earlier this week, I went to the doctor for a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue. The monospot test came back negative. The EBV test came back as positive for VCA-IgG (57.4), positive for VCA-IgM (44.4),negative for EARLY AG (<5),and positive for EBNA (217). My doctor thinks that I am experiencing an acute infection of mono that I was recently infected with since I was positive for the IgM antibody, however, EBNA antibodies are not supposed to appear during an acute infection and actually arent supposed to show up until months after… Could this mean it was a previous mono infection that has been reactivated? Could the presence of IgM antibodies indicate some other viral infection or disease other than mono?

Age: 20
Medications: none
General Information: I have been experiencing fatigue for about a year and every time I have seen a doctor this past year they have commented about my lymph nodes being swollen.