The doctor said that i have carcinogenic cells with bacterial nature?

I am a 25 years old female and last month i had a Pap test and HPV test done. The HPV test resulted negative but the Pap test resulted abnormal. The doctor said that i have carcinogenic cells with bacterial nature. About two years ago i had the first HPV test done (not at the same hospital) and it resulted positive, i had two of the most dangerous types of HPV but now i don’t. Should i be worried because i got really confused.
Thank you!

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Ahmed Fawzy
6:16 pm

In my opinion if you have other symptoms like rash blisters or itching or vaginal discharges then yes you should be worried , if non of that then having negative HPV means no worries. just redo the pap test and hpv after 6 month
To be safe

Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
7:58 pm

Inactive HPV or negative test is OK in most people … But the symptoms are the real cause of worry if occurred …
If you have warts you can use
Oregano Oil
And mushroom.
Thanks ..

8:48 am

yes,this is definitely something to be worried about.
though these reports do not indicate a immediate risk,but further possibility of malignancy should be anticipated and necessary follow ups and repeat tests should be done.

Masr Fawzy
7:31 am

Do you have any symptoms in this area, . ??

I believe you should do the following,

1-repeat the pap smear.. please let me know the result
2- Do colposcopy after that as a confirmatory step
4-Practice safe sex
5– take the vaccine of HPV
6- DO annual check up or every 5 years by repeating pap smear and HPV test according to the results .. later