58, female, diagnosed central sleep apnea, treated unsuccessfully with CPAP. Not experiencing dyspnea upon exertion.
Can being treated with a CPAP instead of a BiPAP for central sleep apnea cause pulmonary hypertension?
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Actually CPAP reduce pulmonary hypertension as demand on oxygen is reduced causing reduction of systolic pulmonary hypertension
Your doctor could have picked CPAP to avoid future pulmonary hypertension
Good Luck
Recent studies suggest that CPAP therapy should be advised to all SA patients with pulmonary hypertension.
SA is associated with pulmonary hypertension, improvement of pulmonary hypertension through controlling SA by CPAP therapy signifies that SA plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension.
SA,per se, causes pulmonary hypertension.
CPAP in itself is a safe thing and should not cause problems.
However,BiPAP is a preferred method over CPAP for its additional advantages.
On the contrary