Had fine needle aspiration- Result : I have bone marrow and plasmacytoid cells in neck?

What does it mean if my fine needle aspiration came back saying I have bone marrow and plasmacytoid cells in the lump in my neck?
I go see a oncologist/ hematologist in a couple weeks, but I am wondering if I should be worried. My doctor said it is extremely rare, like .4% of people have this. Heck it may even be a great thing! I don’t know? Thank you in advance!

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Ayman Darrag
7:15 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
The presence of this cells in lymph is related to many conditions like Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (HNL), also known as Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, is a benign and self-limiting disease..
Also non specific paracortical hyperplasia..chronic granulomatous inflammation castleman disease and classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma..
Overall it needs more investigations with the harmatologist before you start to worry ..
Other symptoms and signs must be correlated with the lymph node biopsy results to diagnose the problem …

3:57 pm

there is nothing to worry about as its not a specific test. its sensitivity is 80 % and needs further investigations to confirm. no need to panic.