I’m a 43 year old female. Has acid reflux but been getting chest pains for years .but these pains I’m have now are like pressure in middle upper chest got a ekg .and doc said they seen some in my p wave. So sent me home wit appointment to my doc.the next day they did 3 ekgs and they all said borderline. What does that means? He didn’t seem worried but he set up appointment wit heart doc so confused . Did I have heart attack? Mean while I’m still having chest pain .By the way have a history of anxiety . And have been super super stressed

Borderline + p wave abnormality it can be many things, I hope you can show me your ekg so I can give a definitive answer
To answer your question no you did not have a heart attack, but I recommend that you do an echo to check your atrium and your mitral/ tricusped valves
Also do a k+(potassium blood test)
If I see the EKG I can give you 100% accurate answer to what the next step is
Good Luck
Most probably not a heart attach, p wave is indicator of right atrial enlargement, usually due to pulmonary hypertension (e.g. cor pulmonale from chronic respiratory disease).
Borderline ecg can be due to many reasons.. Structural cardiac problems or sometimes due to stress or fear if the test itself..
You may redo the ECG and echo..findings should be correlated with symptoms.
i do not think this is a heart attack.
p-wave is indicative of right atrial functioning and the p wave abnormality may be due to structural or functional variations in right atrium.
i recommend you to get a stress test and 2 D echo with or without angiography done to rule out other cardiac abnormalities.
It could be rt or left atrial enlargment ,or nothing…
Echo is a must to be done
I believe your main trouble is the reflux… Try to do dietry modification, not to eat before sleep, avoid coffee , spicy food.. h2 blockers can be helpful..