19, female, I take singular, asthma allergies, inhalers, fluoxetine. For a few months I’ve been having feelings of blacking out and my heart will race and my chest will burn. I’ve been to the er several times for it, they gave me fluoxetine for it and it calmed down for a few months after but now it’s starting to act up again and it’s scary. I’ve seen a heart doctor and never got my results. But I’m worried it’s something severe.
33 year old male. Stabbing chest pains like a needle for several weeks. This comes and goes and lasts seconds. Left Arm pain and pressure comes and goes in different places. This is mostly on the inside of elbow area. Constipated as well. I’ve been to the doctor and had several cardiac tests (4 ekgs, stress test, chest X-ray, blood work) all showing as normal. Holter monitor done as well, but no results yet.
I’m a 40 year old female who underwent cardiac ablation for tachycardia three weeks ago. Ever since I have had episodes of my heart vibrating for several seconds then pausing for one second, this goes on for up to an hour. Is this a normal side effect? I feel fine otherwise and I only feel the vibrating when I’m laying still in bed.
I’m a 63 year old male I suffered a major left sided hemiparesis in July 04 this was caused by sinus bradicardia for which I have a single chamber pacemaker. The legacy of the stroke is dropfoot on my left side. But for the last two weeks I started suffering from violent muscle spasms in my left Quads muscles particularly over the distal end of the muscle just above my Lt Patella The spasming is so painful It almost makes me fall over and severely restricts my walking I am very concerned and want to know what may be causing this once the initial pain and spasm starts to ease I he constant discomfort in my upper leg just above my patella Have you any idea why this may be happening also my toes hurt particularly my little toe and the one next to it also on my left side My footwear is correct so there is no pressure on my toes.I hope you can give mean indication what maybe causing these spasms your sincerely(…)
just turned 59 2 years ago had pulmonary heart failure 6 months ago had a stint placed around the shoulder of right arm, my hand had turned black over night the stint seemed to take care of the problem. I’ve had high blood pressure for the last 8 or 10 years, my primary had me on 8 or 9 type’s of statin drugs witch seemed to help my blood pressure but i had no energy and musle ache’s all the time, then i started researching about statin drugs and from what i surmised was that statin drugs would probably kill me before my heart would, so i weened myself off them totally, now when they placed the stint in me, they prescribed losartan potassium 25 mg for twce a day for my blood pressure, and i’ve changed my diet quite a bit, everything seemed to be doing good, but lately i have a constant ringing in my ears, twice about 5 days apart the ringing got extremely load followed by bad dizziness and hot flash with a lot of perspiration both times lasted about 20 minutes I’ve also had two or 3 dizzy spell’s where i had to stop what i was doing and sit down till they were over, also two weeks worth of headache’s mostly in the evenings around the left temple area, i don’t usually have a problem with headache’s. Thank you for any thoughts or idea’s you can share with me,
I’m a 35 year old male with no prior health conditions. About 2 months ago, I came down with acute viral myocarditis. During my stay in the hospital, I had an echocardiogram and lexiscan preformed. The echo showed mild mitral valve regurgitation, trace tricuspid regurgitation, left ventricular hypertrophy, and possible right atrial dilation with an EF of 60%. The lexiscan showed no blocked arteries, with a EF of 55 at rest and 54% during activity, results were unremarkable.
Ever since I left the hospital, I’ve had frequent PVC’s throughout the day (never previously had them) and unspecified chest pain in different locations, SOB, a weird jittery feeling in my heart and a sensation of drowning. My SPO2 levels always drop when lying on my back from a normal of 96% to 91-92%.
Since all this has happened, I have gone back to the ER once a week because I feel like things aren’t right. My EKG’s are always abnormal, they say things like abnormal qrst angle, twave abnormality, the twave inversion, left ventricular hypertrophy, and the doctors after looking at them say they’re fine. The chest xray is always okay, and my cardiac enzymes are down. They say follow up with my cardiologist.
I have followed up with cardiology, he preformed another echo, said my heart looked beautiful and EF is 60%. He did a two day event Holter and said my heart rate at one point went to 150 and then started talking about panic attack and completely dismissed my heart and said these things are being brought on by anxiety.
I’m no expert, but I cannot see how anxiety will cause abnormal EKG’s and my SPO2 to rise fall so dramatically. Any imput will be greatly appreciated. I am seeking a second opinion, but the doctor is going to preform the same tests. Is there any other tests they could preform to completely rule out heart problems? I’m afraid my heart is just going to stop beating.
I’m a 34 year old male and for the past 1 1/2 years I have felt as if I would pass out from any type of physical exertion including very light physical exertion. I have never had any health problems. I went to a college football game 2 months ago and after climbing 30-40 steps I thought I was going to pass out. I felt like I was going to vomit. I was so hot. I removed my shoes and socks and hat and poured a bottle of cold water on my head and just laid on the seats. Very embarrassing but after about 10 minutes I felt fine. Another example was last Christmas I was carrying a box of canned food up some stairs then down the hallway. Half way there I couldn’t go any farther. I put the box down. I sat in the break room and tried to cool down by sipping on a cup of water while I was hyperventilating then I ran to the bathroom vomited and put my head in the sink and ran cold water on my head. There are many more examples. While it is happening I feel like I can’t breathe well, I feel like it is 2000 degrees, I feel light headed as if I am going to pass out, I feel nauseous. Also during sex I get these symptoms. I’m a non-smoker. My weight has gone up to 220 lbs from 160 over the past 7 years. I thought that could be a possible cause. I’m not sure if this would be heart, lungs, or something else. I do plan on going to the doctor about this but I wanted to get some advice first. Any ideas on what could be the cause? Also when I do go to the doctor should I go to my family doctor or should I see a specialist?
Hi I am 23 year old female , with a recently resolved heart issue of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia , which was solved with cardiac catheter ablation. I thought that would fix me feeling not well and it’s helped but I still frequently feel sick. I suffer from fatigue, frequent urination (up in the night at least twice always) as well I have had two previous incidents of passing out. The one I was sitting and my mother described as me slouching over and my limbs going straight and shaking. I went to the hospital but once I levelled out they discharged me with no real answer. I have always had to eat frequently to not get dizzy but now it’s more extreme. Like every two hrs or so . I have to eat and drink a lot of water. As well I have lately had more instances of throwing up and feeling nauseous for no real reason. I am a very skinny person for the most part. I am 5′ 3″ and 99lbs and this is despite eating a lot. I would really like some ideas on what might make me feel this awful. Thank you
I’m a 38 year old female. Since September I’ve been having terrible heart palpitations. A couple of times I ended up in the ER because I couldn’t get them to stop. They leave me weak, nauseous, and very scared. I’ve had an echocardiogram done (showed a small amount of fluid around me heart that they aren’t worried about), a Holter Monitor (showed sinus tachycardia and occassional PACs/PVCs), lots of bloodwork (everything is normal), and a ton of EKGs. I’ve been put on a 40mg of Inderal twice a day, magnesium, fish oil, and Ativan as I’m being told anxiety plays a part. The only thing I’m anxious about are these episodes! Nothing is helping and Saturday night I was back in the ER after almost blacking out due to my heart going crazy for over 30 seconds. Today I still feel fatigued, weak, and nauseous with a bit of chest pain. I can’t even eat anything. Please help me. It seems like no one is taking me seriously. this can’t be “normal and perfectly harmless” like they are saying.
I have an ecg report saying Borderline ECG with following details
ECG report
Normal Sinus rhythm
RSR or QR pattern in V1 suggests right ventricular conduction delay
Borderline ECG
I am 27 year old male and in my family no one have any heart disease and neither I have any. Now due to some past incidences in last 3-4 months I was in stress and almost on 0 exercise. I am feeling some chest pain both the sides for some time in a day since last week. I am trying to come back to normal routine of exercising but still I thought to consult a doctor who took this ECG report and asked for number of other reports which on basis of it. I am not sure if I go ahead with further checkups or is this normal.
I am a 42 year old female. I have a history of migraines, high BP, high cholesterol, anxiety and insomnia. I woke up one morning with double vision (which I have never had before). When i would look at simeone it was as if thwir duplicate was sitting right behind them. This lasted about 6 hours. Ever since then I have been getting extreme dizzy spells, to the point I have to firmly grab something to keep from falling on my face. It’s not a dizzy spell as in things seem to be moving when they are not, it is more like the entire room is spinning in a circle. Like I feel like throwing up. This happens when I’m sitting, laying down, and not moving at all. It scares me because my mom died of an aneurysm at 48 and my grandmother had a stroke at 50. My vision seems to have gotten a little worse since then as well. I do have a history of migraines, but have not had one in quite a while. Any help as to what this might be?
Im a 29 year old female. My heart rate is always quite high, about 90/min and my blood pressure is usually in the mid range, about 110/70… the last few days my blood pressure has dropped to around 90/60, and I just checked it again and its at 85/55 and my heart rate is at 123/min. I have a weird cool sensation in my chest that I can’t really explain properly in words and it travels up to my throat. I have been under a lot of stress lately, so I’m assuming my symptoms are from increased anxiety but should I be concerned?
I am a 27 year old female.[signinlocker] I have had heart pains in the past with dizzy and light headed [/signinlocker]spells. I have had chest xrays, blood work, a heart monitor and a few other things done to check my heart and everything came up normal. Last test was done summer of 2015. The last several months I still get off and on a small pain under my left breast or it could be in the middle of chest. It can last for a few mins or all day off and on through the day. I am tired of getting this and sick of going to the hospital as it comes back fine. I am wondering what it is. I always think I’m having a heart attack or its something else serious the tests arnt seeing. I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 17. But I don’t think it’s anxiety though. Any help would be great.
I’m 22 years old, male, I was diagnosed either mitrial valve prolapse in 2003 and I’m currently prescribed a 1mg tablet of ativan to take as needed to treat anxiety. My name is 9…).
Long story short, I’ve been having trouble with dizziness, feeling like totally disconnected, weird feelings in my head, can’t seem to get myself to focus and concentrate, etc. Just an overall troubled feeling in my head ever since I was diagnosed with an acute sinus infection/upper respiratory infection & possibly the beginnings of walking pneumonia and was given a course of antibiotics and a course of steroids. I forgot the dosages, I apologize for that.
1 month down the road I was told I had vertigo via some eye test he gave me with a light that i followed to show how they move (I dont know if that matters or helps) and fluid behind the ears. My doctor prescribed meclizine and it didn’t help at all and gave me heart palpitations besides.
Now we’re 2 months down the road and I’m still having trouble but then came all the lack of focus and concentration etc I described. Today I’ve gone to my doctor again and he says the fluid is mostly gone from my middle ear. He conducted a basic neurological exam along with that light test again and he claims I till have a little vertigo still. Also he claims I have nothing neurological to worry about. I’m still feeling worse somewhat and am still concerned.
My question is do you think 1) all of this could be connected to the vertigo or not so much??
2) do you think I should press for a CT scan or MRI just to be safe??
I admit I’m a hypochondriac but Ivery never experienced anything like this before. Now I’ve one some homework on like brain cancer and things like that. I haven’t threw up or lost the use of any limbs or anything like that but I’m still concerned there may be something brain related going on.
Do I have reason for concern because this has drawn out for over 2 months??
I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you and God bless.
Hello! I’m 17, and a female. For the medical history, I have asthma and high-blood pressure. Last month I’ve visited a cardiologist for the frequent palpitations, chest pains and dizzyness that I’ve been experiencing but they said that the results are normal, I’ve been taking Propranolol for the chest pains which is prescribed by my doctor and stopped using inhalers for my asthma because they told me to and it can cause my heart to palpitate.
I just want to ask about something I’m very worried about these following days. I’ve been experiencing headaches (not severe) on the left side of my head alongside with a neck pain on the leftside also. It feels like the left side of my head is heavier than the right side then it seems like the left side of my body is weaker than the other one and sometimes my head feels lighter. I haven’t consulted a doctor on this case. Can you help me?
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