Question: I have received my lab report and my SGOT is 73, my SGPT is 84 and my gamma glutamyltranferase is 422. Are these results bad?
Answer: Labs show a mild elevation of SGOT and SGPT, with a more marked elevation of GGT. This pattern is suggestive of a disease process that affects the bile ducts that drain the liver and the gall bladder into the intestine. There are many causes for this, some serious (such as malignancy), others more benign (such as stones or alcohol use). The next step would be an ultrasound to look for something outside of the liver that could be blocking the bile ducts, or whether it looks like there is disease in the liver itself that is causing bile problems. The work-up would then continue based on the results of that ultrasound.
I am 49 year old male, height 5′ 5″ inches tall, and weighing 165 lbs. I have no particular symptoms nor am I feeling bad in any way. I rarely drink and try to eat well. I take no medications. I do undergo regular blood tests just to stay up to date and make sure everything is OK. I have received (and uploaded) my recent lab results and am concerned with certain values, in particular SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT). Does it indicate there is damage to the liver? What should I do?
My daughter (18h was admitted to the ER a week following surgery for a perilymph fistula repair, exhibiting signs of mental confusion and severe headache, with fear of possible meningitis or sepsis. She was placed on IV antibiotics and blood cultures were sent out. She recovered, although the cultures came back negative, with the procalcitonin test at < 0.2.
6 weeks later she was showing signs of confusion and severe headache again and was re-admitted to the ER, again for fear of infection. She was kept overnight and released after receiving one dose of IV antibiotics. The thought from her surgeon was that since the infection tests were negative the first time that they’ll likely be negative again so she was released. Today we got the tests back and the procalcitonin test was 1.6 which appears to be positive.
We are not sure how to interpret this result. Her surgeon said to contact her PCP and that he didn’t know how to read that test. She continues to have headaches.
Generally speaking a reading of 1.6 would indicate that there some kind of response to an infection or some kind of tissue injury. I would definitely proceed with further investigation to identify what is the cause and source of the problem. Although this does not appear to be an emergency since levels are less than 2. A complete examination by your family physician is needed with appropriate testing depending on the medical history of your daughter and if there are other symptoms present. Here are some other points that need to be considered.
1 : PCT levels may be elevated in patients who do not have sepsis. Plasma levels in these cases
usually are not very high (<2 ng/mL), but they may increase significantly in certain conditions, e.g.
following liver transplantation, during severe and prolonged cardiogenic shock, in patients with heat
shock, severe pancreatitis, and rhabdomyolysis (>2-10 ng/mL).
2 : depending upon the previous clinical history of the patient, labs should be done to determine whether any
clinical problem exists or not.
Nature of labs and investigation of patient should be according to previous clinical history of the
patient If any treatment or any surgery was carried out previously.
3 : if the Procalcitonin ( PCT ) level is less then 2 ( <2.0 ) it doesn’t indicate there is sepsis ( infection )
and thus its not any emergency to rush but it’s the sign that you should consider to have a complete checkup.
I had a CBC blood work done and the results are elevated WBC and platelets. It was 16.8. Neutrophils absolute 11.2, lymph’s absolute 3.4, platelets 403. All else was normal, I am very worried it may be Leukemia?
I have received a blow to the stomach and it is somewhat painful even after 2 days. I have had a scan done – and I uploaded it. Can you please provide a second opinion on the scan. Is there a problem? Or something I should be worried about?
I have a white blood count of 12000, is this a problem? The laboratory report indicates that the normal range for the white blood count is 11,000. Does this mean I suffer from some kind of illness?
Why does my syphilis test have point value of .4-.6 what are the differences in the 2 test? the syphilis treponomal igg and the syphilis treponomal igg interp. I do have a negative rh factor. the first time i was pregnant i tested positive for syphilis and the retested my blood and it was negative. My obgyn sent my blood to a specialist and said it showed up as a false positive because of the negative rh factor. I don’t understand why there is a number on the test. does everyone have a value range? is there a difference in negative and non reactive ? or do most people just get the phone with the results saying you are negative or positive for tests and I have access to online testing so i see more than most people do?
I need some help knowing if I need to follow up with these results in the document. The test was done in the hospital and I did not get the results until after I was home. I was not sure if these were normal findings or abnormal. I do not see my Dr. For a while but if this is something that needs attention I will try to get in sooner. Thank you in advance, (—)
Age: 60
Medications: Lisinopril thyroid med
General Information: Diarrhea
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