Do I have Cushing’s Syndrome?

Do I need to find a new doctor test for Cushing’s? I was diagnosed around 6-7 years ago as being insulin resistant, and since them, symptoms keep appearing. I have the fatty hump on my upper back, but when asking my doctor, she blamed weight. I ended up looking deeper and found a picture from my smallest weight, (125) and the hump was still present. I have the rounded face, and my cheeks are always red as well as purple stretch marks that appear out of nowhere even when my weight stays slightly consistent. I was also in therapy for my hips around the time of insulin resistance diagnosis. My doctor will not test me, because she says there is nothing wrong with me other than weight. (185 lbs), and i cant lose weight for the life of me, nothing works. My recent lab results showed elevated Alk Phos, total protein, cholesterol, anion gap, white blood count and platelets. As well as extremely low vitamin d. All of which she explained as fine. Please help!

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Ahmed Fawzy
5:03 pm

Hi i agree with you is very much possible that you have cushing’s, i recommend the following tests 24-hour urinary free cortisol test, measurement of midnight plasma cortisol or late-night salivary cortisol, and the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test , dexamethasone-corticotropin-releasing hormone test
Also how can high alkaline phosphate be ignored ? What are the exact numbers ?
May be it is slightly increased so your doctor thinks it is normal with fatty liver
Also do TSH and T4 tests

Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
5:15 pm

Those findings are not normal of course ..cushing diseases could be a strong possibility among other liver condition related disorders..but why dont you shoot the target.. Get a a 24-hour urinary free cortisol test…so you can rule out or confirm it ..
Have you been receiving any cortisone treatment?

5:02 am

most probably yes,a cushings syndrome.
But these tests do not confirm it.
24 hour urine-free cortisol test will confirm this.
High ALK Phosphatase needs to be dealt with separately.
consult a endocrinologist.