Having problems with major joint pain all over my body?

I am 54 yrs. old female. Having problems with major joint pain all over my body. My hands will also fall sleep. If I sit for 10-15 mins. and get back up it takes me a few mins. I will knot up or have pain trying to stand.

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6:18 am

this may be due to severe osteoporosis leading to polyarthritis.
get blood calcium and vitamin D levels checked.
Rheumatoid arthritis needs to be ruled out by a RA factor test.
Anti inflammatory analgesic tablets like ibuprofen,tramadol will be helpful.
start on calcium / vitamin D supplements.

Ayman Darrag
8:08 am

This is mostly arthritic changes that is associated with either osteoarthritis or autoimmune disorder that you need to get an xray for the painful joints and some laboratory investigations
CRP and ESr are initial tests to follow with other diagnostics..
Do your joints get hot or red?
Which joints?

Ahmed Fawzy
8:10 am

In my opinion you may have
1 rheumatoid arthritis
2 fibromyalgia (many causes )
3 hormonal imbalance
4 electrolyte imbalance
5 other autoimmune like gallein barre

So first you need to do ESR , C reactive protein test , Urine analysis , brandial and post brandial glucose levels , T4 , TSH
Calcium/phosphorus , magnesium levels

Show me test results i will be able to pin point the problem or tell you the next step

Good Luck

Masr Fawzy
6:56 pm


Do pelvic xray
start taking calcium, bisphosphonates, antiinflammatory drugs, if there is weight gain, try to lose it

God bless you ma’am