I am a 26 years old female kite surf instructors. Few years back I had few test done on me including an xray. They told me I had some kind of spine condition, told me not to kitesurf and that I’d be fine. Now I didn’t completely stop I still teach and do other sports like paragliding, snowboarding, speedflying ect. But some times the pain in my lower back is too much to handle. What do you think I should do about it. I don’t want to take pain killers I would prefer to actually fix my back so I can do everything I love doing. Please help me get back on my feet.

You have an S scoliosis with dimenished thoracic disc spaces , sports with recurrent bouncing or jumping can aggrevate your problem , physical therapy focused on traction can fix your problem , wear a back brace while doing your sports , i have seen a case exactly like you 16 years old (football player) he is now playing pain free , you need a very good physical therapist whom understand biomechanics
Good Luck
U r having scoliotic spine, so such sports can cause tiny fractures that can weaken the spine over time… And may be this is whats going on with you now..
Consult physiotherapist to figure out a solution and i believe you will need pain killers antiinflammatory drugs..,
This is an adult degenerative s scoliosis …
Most of the time treatment of adult degenerative scoliosis is conservative care, meaning non-surgical. Rarely is surgery necessary. Treatment decisions for adult degenerative scoliosis are based on how much pain you are experiencing, how much the condition is affecting your ability to function and whether or not you are having symptoms of nerve compression.
I recommend seeing a physiotherapist for a long term rehabilitation program…then you can go back gradually to your activities.
hi first thing,you mentioned having lower back pain. This Xray does not show lumbar spine vertebrae. So,get a LS spine Xray done. As far as the above Xray is concerned,it shows a mild deviation in the normal curvature. This seems to be congenital and cannot be corrected without surgery. Although surgery is possible,but considering the long term side effects,i recommend not to get a surgery done. Best thing to do would be back strengthening and straightening exercises and physiotherapy. We have been treating similar patients at our clinic for years together without surgery having wonderful results with physiotherapy. I won’t… Read more »