Question: I am on path to kidney failure is there some better treatment

I am on path to kidney failure, still not on dialysis. My Uric acid level is 6.1 mg/DL and critinine 1.4 mg/DL. Sugar patient also under control with insulin. Had injuplasty 5 years back, two stunts installed. Taking Nitromint, Easyday, Lipigit, Escort and Cordrone. For kidney treatment I am on Lophos and Bondol 0.5 mg. Please suggest, if there is some better treatment for me. Thanks

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7:04 am

u seem to have borderline uric acid and creatinine levels.which are well controlled by the present tablets you are taking. till you dont need dialysis, then the same tablets are ok.
febuxostat is a new drug in market thats being used widely nowadays for uric acid derangements. u can take it for 2- 3 months. get the uric acid checked at 1 month intervals.