I was seeing a pain management dr and she was prescribing me percocet. I told the dr I wasn’t taking it bc I was extremely ill and taking dayquil/nyquil, zpak and my inhaler occasionally. They discharged me bc they said I should have came up positive for amphetamine. I argued with with them for 30 minutes saying amphetamine and acetaminophen are 2 completely different thing but she kept arguing with me that they were the same. I think i know the difference between the 2 bc i work in the health care field. So does this mean I was wrongfully discharged?

you are absolutely right.
both are absolutely different in their actions,chemical compositions and pharmacological actions and are in noway related to each other.
yes,u were wrongfully discharged i feel.
I agree with you they are totaly different, normaly you should test negative to amphetamine , (what the hell your doctor talking about ?), you should be able to sue them
Good Luck
They are two different drugs , but let me ask you why were u admitted in the first place..?
In my opinion yes you were wrongly discharged they are completely different..
Are you sure you have been in a hospital!!
And you were arguing a doctor!!