Hello , I had 2 endometrial biopsy-both came negative; last biopsy-one and a half year ago,vaginal ultrasound -one /33mm/fibroid was found.One day ago between my period I found on the paper just lille bit tinny light color blood and it stop.
Do I need another biopsy? I am 51 female, no more symptoms.
Thank you

In my opinion this symptom is not worrying cause ..unless you develop reoccurrence or new symptoms there is no need to go with further tests..although I re ommend regular checkup by USG to monitor the fibroids ..
I see no need for a third biopsy ,
I recommend hormonal replacement to control and shrink the fibroid
Good Luck
this can be withdrawal bleed and nothing to do with cancer.
once you have confirmed of negative biopsy,there is no need another one.
however,you need to repeat the test after every 6 months at your age.
Hi.. Thanks for writing to us.. Well, Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. Also called leiomyomas or myomas, uterine fibroids aren’t associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer.. So please do not worry about cancer and even your biopsies are sufficient to confirm that you are not having any cancer or even not at a risk.. So simply relax.. At times fibroids even shrink in menopausal ages, so you can continue to monitor it but still you are not at a risk of developing cancer..… Read more »