I had a epidural for pain today in my lumbar I have started to feel worse?

I had a epidural for pain today in my lumbar around l5 and right after i had a very short headache it was done at around 10am and slowly i have started to feel worse and worse. I have taken 60mg of oxycodone through the day and its noy touching the pain. My pain is in my upper back n neck now. I first noticed it when i looked down it pulled at my spine like a knife in my lumbar now yhe pain is between my shoulder blades and i just feel off and my anxiety is a the worst ever. What is wrong? Plz help me im freaking out. Do i need to go to hospital. Is it serious. Will it go away? I have a bad neck more than my back but the pain meds help any other time. Thus just is so off feeling. Im in tears literally.

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Ayman Darrag
12:25 pm

I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery.
It is normal to get this pain after an epidural injection ,no need to worry for now and this is not an indicator of problem with the surgery,if pain is the only symptom and there is no neurological manifestations then so far it is OK..
Relax and have rest while taking your prescribed pain meds..

Ahmed Fawzy
3:10 pm

I think you should go t the hospital to make sure you got no infection in you epidural process
I do not this this pain is acceptable as a normal side-effect
Good Luck

Masr Fawzy
3:58 am

Do u have any fever? Limitation of movement ? Any tingling or numbness in the legs?
I recommend u to take pain killers and just follow up , if any thing got aggravated. Seek hospital help at once

8:02 am

pain can occur at the injection site for a couple of days.
But the low back pain for which u have taken this injection should show some signs of relief by now.
Ur pain has infact aggravated.
I think u should consult the doctor who gave u the injection asap.

Dr.Honey Arora
8:30 am

Thanks for the query ..

Many a time post epidural injection the individual can feel pain but it tend to subside gradually with relieving the symptoms that has led to epidural injection..
But in case if pain in intolerable then you should consult your surgeon and get evaluated and yu can be advised pain relievers..
Also an examination to check for infection should be done..

Hope this information helps..