I had a UTI received antibiotic for severe kidney infection?

6-8 weeks ago I had a UTI, the symptoms went away so I didn’t give it any thought. About 3 weeks ago on and off I started having pain on the right side of my back, thought I pulled a muscle. This past week pain has gotten worse, Thursday night vomited, but not notice of fever. Went to urgent care this afternoon around 2 p.m. and received antibiotic for severe kidney infection. Between then and now the pain has gotten significantly worse. I know the antibiotic doesn’t work that quick, but my worry is did I wait to long for an oral antibiotic to have any effect for several days. The smallest thing from talking, moving, bending, reaching for a glass sitting next to me, pretty much anything has me verbally moaning in pain.

Age: 48
Medications: Trintillex, Ropinirole, CEPHALEXIN

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Dr.Honey Arora
7:59 am

If pain is that severe you might need intravenous antibiotics and painkillers..
So consult an Emergency room and get evaluated..
They can give painkillers intravenous or injection and antibiotics too..

Hope this helps..


Domina Zluf
9:30 am

It is always better to treat UTI early. Waiting means infection gets harder to treat. Also complications can occur if left untreated for a long period of time. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and consult quickly if antibiotics don’t work.