I am 59.. weight 280. For 2 weeks I have been eating approx 1/2 of what I used to eat, however my stomach is even more extended than normal and appears to grow daily. My legs and feet are extremely swollen. I recently changed jobs so I am currently without insurance or I would go to doctor. Also I have a red rash from feet to chins. Any thoughts?

id go find out what it is sounds bad, id go to the emergency room, i dont think you have to pay er fee right then and there if you dont have it, im sure youll be working or ss or welfare there has to be a way to take care of the money situation. id go and ask them about how to deal with your money situation. id go b4 it gets way worse
there seems to be a generalised hormonal disorder leading to multiple affections.
IBS with stomach infection can cause gaseous distention.
Crohn’s disease with abdominal koch’s should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis.
get a usg/CT abdomen with contrast done along with a detailed blood investigation profile.
Many possibilities are there ,hormonal disorder as thyroid disorder,liver problem,kidney problem..so you need to get abdominal USG and CT ,blood picture and thyroid profile..
I recommend HCV test + abdominal ultrasound to check for liver fibrosis, also do an HIV test
Good Luck
Swollen limbs.. either a problem in heart, kidney or liver ..
But i believe u r diabetic.. and hypertensive
U need to investigate step by step, and losing weight is a must