I am 20 years old and was diagnosed with Typhoid when I was 14 years old. I underwent treatment but a relapse of Typhoid occurred, as per the doctor when he examined the next report. Thereafter, I was vaccinated for 3 years against typhoid.
Now I had been suffering from fever since a week and other symptoms and was asked to get my blood tested. The doctor has told me that it is typhoid yet again. I I am 20 years old and was diagnosed with Typhoid when I was 14 years old. I underwent treatment but a relapse of Typhoid occurred, as per the doctor when he examined the next report. Thereafter, I was vaccinated for 3 years against typhoid.
Now I had been suffering from fever since a week and other symptoms and was asked to get my blood tested. I had fever and severe headache, nausea, extreme cold and feeling cold. The doctor checked the report and has told me that it is typhoid yet again. I have attached a report of my test. I want to know if I am on the right track or not. On the internet I found some relevant information (on web-Salmonella typhi H and O titres greater than or equal to 1:160 occurred in respectively 82% and 58% of typhoid fever patients; only 4% of healthy individuals and 8% of non-typhoid patients had Widal titres greater than or equal to 1:80. In typhoid fever, the H titre is elevated earlier and more frequently than the O titre. Antibody rise is maximal during the second week of illness. Antibiotic treatment did not affect the rise of antibody titre in typhoid fever. A single Widal test in an unvaccinated Ethiopian patient showing H and/or O titres greater than or equal to 1:160 and typhoid-like symptoms is strongly strongly suggestive of typhoid fever.) but I couldn’t understand if my doctor is giving me treatment according to that information.

First of all widal test is unreliable so do not bother trying to understand it , accordingly I recommend blood culture and Elisa urine test to identify the bacteria and the appropriate antibiotics , high lymphocytes and platelets are found in almost all bacterial infections that cause fever
Good Luck
Widal test is not the test of choice or mainstay for Typhoid now..
You should go for tests like blood culture, stool culture, culture of bone marrow aspirate can help in diagnosis..
Hope this helps..
A complete blood picture with ESR can also help as there is an increase in ESR, slight anemic findings and reduce in lymphocytes and thrombocytes count..
Hope this helps..