Question: I may have allergic contact derm on my face from years of facial products.

Hello. Im a 37 y/o male. I may have allergic contact derm on my face from years of facial products. (Wash and lotion) Its scales with no redness and extreme dryness after a rinse or shower. Its been chronic for 3 yrs. I stopped products a month ago. Its better but not gone. Scales are in my brows, around mouth facial hair, cheeks and eyelids. All where i used products. How long can it take to fully heal?

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4:54 am

you have been using these products for quite a long time now…almost 3 years the layers of the skin have become totally undernourished and de-moisturised causing it to become dry and scaly.
it definitely will recover but will take 3-6 months to heal completely.

applying moisturisers and skin nourishing vitamin E oils, olive oil and aloevera oil will speed up the recovery process.

take vitamin E tablets orally too.
