Question: Swelling in my joints…. I’m unsure what is going on

So I’m a 31 yr old female ,
I have been getting continuous blood tests done and my ASO titre is sitting at 800 . swelling in my joints if i sit for periods of more then 1.5 hours at a time , I had a high lymphocyte count which has finally gone down to normal , it took around 3 months to do so .. i have been referred to a rheumatologist , im unsure what is going on can some one please explain to me , as im feeling anxious and confused , also waiting on my thyroid app as i have multinoduler goiter and also breast lumps that have recently been told they were benign but one has grown a little , not sure if that has anything to do wth my high blood tests ?

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5:10 am

hi dear.. the breast lumps seem to have nothing to do with these blood level derangements. benign lumps like these are usually common at this age and are due to blocked lactular milk glands. u can evacuate these by gentle breast massage and squeezing out the lump contents. to me, these joint swellings seem to be a seronegative arthropathy in which there is gross blood variations uundetected on tests but gradually affect almost all joints. take dmards- a group of new drugs ,e.g leflunamide.,that have very good effect and can relieve you of pain an can cure u as well..… Read more »