Hi, years ago i suffered injury to my left middle shoulder in the gym. A year ago I went to a physiotherapist (bioenergist) hoping he could help fix my shoulder. Instead of treating my shoulder directly He told me to lay on my stomach (so I did), and He went on top of me and started cracking my entire spine (bashing) forcefully. I didn’t know what cracking my spine had to do with my left shoulder problem, but ever since than i started to feel weakness in muscles of my sacral vertebraes all the way to my cervical vertebraes. I can’t sleep properly for months, i feel like I don’t have will for life anymore, everytime when I eat food I feel like I am going to suffocate on food, my neck muscles really loosen up, the back of my neck is shaking, I am having a hard time to breathe deeply, most of the muscles of my body are loosen up, I am breathing more through my stomach rather than I should breathe through my thorax, I feel like my back ribs are making pressure on my lungs, I can’t burp when I need to. The physiotherapist treatment made my life very difficult to live. I don’t know what to do. I am desperate. Could you please help me?
Medications: None

You should sue this physiotherapist (bioenergist) or whatever he is, you should use anti-inflammatory and then do physical therapy at a real physiotherapist
You may also need to do a spine x ray or even MRI
I am really sorry for what happened
Good Luck
The treatment done with the physiotherapist was a chiropractic manipilation ,however it seems they have caused you laxity of ligaments of the spine adding to your muscle weakness.
I recommend doing first a full plain xray for your spines from anterior and lateral views, then start a supervised strengthening program for your back muscles,neck muscles and shoulder girdle muscles.
Taking calcium supplement also can help.
You should first of all get a full spine MRI scan and consult a spine specialist.
It looks like muscle loosening and even nerve related problems should also be looked for..
Hope this helps..