Hi, doctor.
My question is about daily excessive water retention i wake up lean and by time i get home from work have bloated up all over to the point my face is like a ball and I look like i have a beer belly along with overall fullness… I will get home eat dinner and fall asleep and when i wake up I’ve leaned out.
This happens daily food can’t be blamed as i have nothing to eat after breakfast until i get home, nor can be sedentary as i have a hard labor job.
32 years old
Prolactinoma under control
Asthma under control

What about your salt intake ?
Mostly if you take salty food and drink plenty of water this will lead to retention.
I recommend serum sodium and potassium testing.
What are your asthma medication are they cortizol? Also can you do a cortizol test morning and night?
It is common with Prolactinoma to have abnormal cortizol levels
Good luck
U need to check your kidney function and liver function tests, check for fasting sugar and insulin levels and cortisol levels
There can be a number of reasons like excessive salt intake, hormonal imbalances like thyroid problems, low protein levels and also kidney and heart related problems can cause water retention in body..So my suggestion to you is to consult a Medicine specialist and get a thorough clinical examination done and once the cause is ruled out get treated accordingly..
Hope this helps..