I’m concerned about my elevated blood pressure?

I am a 45 yrs old male, fit and exercise couple times a week and drink two cups of coffee daily, I don’t drink alcohol and eat mainly Mediterranean food.
My concern about my blood pressure, I measure it in the morning and comes out normal <120/80. But when I measure it during the day or at evening it comes elevated such as (135-150 )/(90-105). Is this something I have to worry about? Besides, every time I measure it it comes very high the first and second round of measuring, then I wait one minute and measure for third time , and that is what I am referring so all numbers I provided are based on the third time in a row one. Please help. Thanks

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Ahmed Fawzy
10:35 pm

Blood pressure measuring at 4-5 pm is usually higher than the rest of the day
Which u should not take lightly
U need to see a doctor right away
Also focus on increasing your cardiovascular fitness
Avoid coffee in the afternoon

Ayman Darrag
6:57 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
It is not normal and needs a follow up..
Consider a cholesterol analysis .
Increase your cardio training..
Decrease the caffeine intake.