I’ve been having this right side pain for some time now my stomach is hurting as well?

Im (…), 36 i been having this right side pain for some time now but 2 day’s ago my stomach was hurting as well , i went to the er and they did a ultrasound and a x-ray to see why i was having this pain..the doctor said she seen that i had stool not to much and not to little, plus a stone that is enlarged up there , so drink a lot of water and take stool softener..the pain got bad went to a different er..C-T scan and a ultrasound..no stone was seen and c-t was normal smh but i still have the right side pain in the back of rib cage..i had 2 hernia repair and my appendix remove year’s ago

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Ayman Darrag
4:35 pm

In my opinion this is a gall stone probably so you need to do another USG to see its size and whether it needs removing the gall bladder ..

Ahmed Fawzy
9:16 pm

My opinion this is a gall bladder stone
I recommend an ultrasound to confirm
Good Luck

Masr Fawzy
11:03 pm

Some stones types only appear with x Ray, confirmn by doing MRI

Dr.Honey Arora
8:03 am

So sorry to hear about your problem..

Pain on right side is probably due to Gallstone and you should get an x Ray and MRI SCAN done for confirmation..

Also along with it if you have stool obstruction then stool softeners, laxative and a fibre rich diet can help..

Hope this helps..