left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain, arm is numbing and left hand no feeling

Male, 53, heavy drinker and smoker. My brother’s left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain for two weeks. Radiates down left arm, very painful getting worse every day. Has no insurance, has not been to a doctor in many years. Today his arm is numbing and left hand no feeling. Need to find some way to get him to a doctor because he will not go. Perhaps if I knew what it could be it would help get him there.

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Ahmed Fawzy
5:37 pm

In my opinion you have 3 possibilities
1 heart problems or left clavicular artery stenosis
2 splenomegaly due to fatty liver or cirrhosis
3 cervical problems (disc or arthritis)
I recommend you start by investingating his heart then liver and spleen then spine

Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
6:12 pm

It is probably cervical disc lesion or to a less extent a cardiac problem..
But we should start with ECG and cardiac enzymes testing ..then x ray and MRI of cervical region.

8:14 am

this seems to be due to a nerve compression in neck secondary to cervical disc prolapse.
get a mri of neck done.
physiotherapy,cervical traction,laser therapy will help.
get a ecg done to rule out heart related causes.

Masr Fawzy
2:13 am

Let him do, ECG , echo, and abdominal US…
Advice him to stop alcohol and smoking,