My left side testicle is hurting and pissing blood?

I’m 55 yrs old male with no insurance but no medical history.
A week ago I had severe flu symptoms and same time experiencing this problem.
My left side testicle is hurting and pissing blood…My sperm is very bloodish and half of the testiclr is hard…
What’s possibly wrong and who should I go to see..?
I never had sex with anyone but my wife….

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Ayman Darrag
4:54 pm

Symptoms and signs like hardening of testicle,bloody semen,are alarming signs that needs urgent examination and ultrasonography of testicles and prostate ..

Ahmed Fawzy
5:33 pm

In my opinion you should see a doctor immediately it is more likely to be Bornholm disease is Coxsackie B virus, other possibilities include testicle torsion , or simply you did not have intercouse or masterbate for a long time , infection is possible if you have urine incontinence
, varcosele can cause your problem

Good Luck

5:34 am

this may be due to epididymitis with orchitis.
blood stained semen needs urgent medical attention.
test for PSA to rule out prostatic malignancy.

prashant gaikwad
11:49 am

may be viral infection or malignancy.
get a high resolution scan and a ureteroscopy done immediately

Masr Fawzy
5:35 pm

Viral orchitis,
ain relievers, ice packs, and elevation of the testicles when possible can make you more comfortable.

Abstain from sexual intercourse and heavy lifting while you treat orchitis.

It is self limited

It could be bacterial infection that may need antibiotics but just wait and see

Also i would prefer to do urine analysis and physical examination for prostatic enlargment if possible by your PCP

US of testis is imp. To rule out torsion, but i believe its just viral orchitis….