My eldest daughter, she is 16 years. Last year (2015 December) she was having pain at the right back of her neck. I took her to Dr. Dr. told that it is an allergic or cold problem. He prescribed antibiotics. Then she was ok for about 3 months. After 3 months the same area was paining and a lump can be seen like tumour. I took her to a renowned Dr. He said, may be it’s an allergic problem and gave some blood test n FNAC test. The reports were normal. Dr. prescribed her medicines, which helped her to be ok for another one n half month. Again it started paining and this time it was unbearable. Surprisingly, I saw 4 more lumps at the right and left side of her neck. Her spinal chord started paining n she was having a bit fever. Immediately I took her to Dr. This time we did her FNAC again and some blood test, but result nothing. Again and again we r going to different Dr’s, tests, medicines but no improvement. One of the Dr. told to do biopsy. Then we consulted a neurosurgeon but he told that its a sensitive area to operate. He needs time for it n gave medicines.
Finally in the end of December I took her to India (New Delhi). There we appointed a medicine Dr. He gave tests. In the reports he found a huge deficiency of vitamin D. After that we consult a neorology Dr. He gave for MRI test. In the report ARACHNOID CYST can be found. He gave 6 months medicine. Now my daughter’s spinal chord and the lump is paining. My daughter is now screaming out of pain. As a mother it’s very painful to see my daughter in this condition. Please, please n please help me out. Help my daughter. Suggest us something. I am attaching the reports n prescription. I will be grateful to you dr. If u can suggest us anything.